About Us

Ananta Yoga - Live Limitless

Namaskaram & Welcome to Ananta Yoga

Ananta is an ancient Sanskrit term which means limitless, endless and eternal, and can be used to convey infinity or boundless expansion.

At Ananta Yoga, our mission is to offer you ancient yogic tools to help you experience a taste of that which is infinite and limitless – that dimension within you that is beyond boundaries.

We offer a variety of Classical Hatha Yoga practices designed to take you step by step on a journey of endless internal expansion.

Our workshops incorporate different dimensions of Classical Hatha Yoga practices, structured  by self-realized yogi and mystic Sadhguru, founder of the Isha Foundation.

Meet our Yoga Teacher

Ananta Yoga Programs are taught by Shayla Ghelani who is trained and certified through the Sadhguru Gurukulam – Classical Hatha Yoga School, with more than 1750 hours of foundational training, and hundreds of hours in annual Teacher Upgrades.

We’re in the process of launching a new website so please stay tuned for some exciting changes.

In the meantime, you can browse our upcoming Live Yoga Workshops in Toronto, Canada or find out more about our Online Yoga Sessions.