No. Yoga is not about flexibility, it is about transformation. During the practice of Hatha Yoga, you will notice a change in your flexibility both physically and mentally. This is one of the benefits of practicing yoga. The journey one goes through from inflexible to flexible in the practice of yoga is mirror of the transformation happening within. That is a representation of the growth a yoga practitioner is going through.
A fine sword was not a fine sword to begin with. It took hours of bashing, shaping and sharpening of the block of metal and involvement from the Sword Maker to make it in to a fine sword. The journey you will go through in your yoga practice is like this, from a block of metal in to a fine sword – changing at every step of the way.
“If the energy body is activated and fully balanced, there will be no more physical or psychological ailment in you, it’s not possible. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have overcome their ailments just by binging balance to their system. This is not some miraculous thing, it is just a deeper understanding of the system. But the system is a miraculous that is not in question. The human system is a miracle, so the magic is already present, you just have to play with it right.
You don’t have to do any extra magic, everything is already magical. Existence in itself is magical. Every atom is magical, because we still have not managed to figure it out in its entirety. So you don’t have to do any great magical things like twisting your body in a certain way, or holding yourself upside down. Simple things like breathing right and keeping your body in a certain level of balance, you will notice you do not have any ailments.
Here we do not speak of infectious ailments, for which you must go to the doctor and get some medicine. No, we speak of chronic ailments, the ones you produce on your own, the ones where no one is actually doing anything to you but you are still bothered inside.
We regularly generate ailments from within and this cannot be cured by any medicine. You can only manage it. You can never sure it. But the very source of our bodies comes from within, the heart, liver, kidneys are all manufactured from within. You can do certain simple things which allow you to fix from within and every human being is capable of this it’s just that they have never paid attention to it. The only problem is you cannot rely on a doctor to do it for you, you have to do it for yourself.
We want to bring balance to the Ida and Pingala (left and right energy channels) so that we can direct the energies towards Sushumna (central energy channel). Sushumna is the most significant aspect of the human physiology. Once the energies enter Sushumna, no matter what happens around you, you have a certain balance, you inner way of being has nothing to do with the outside. To make this happen, it is very important that we bring balance between Ida and Pingala. This can be achieved by practicing authentic forms of yoga.
Yoga Logic brings you the various forms of yoga in order to take you this journey of bringing balance to your system leading to health, inner peace and complete wellbeing.
We offer you various yoga practices designed to take you on this journey in a step by step fashion incorporating different dimensions of yoga – Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Nada Yoga.
Yyoga means union. Yoga is a science which has been practiced in India for many thousands of years. Yoga was a way of life in India.
For thousands of years the culture in India was very much about yoga. Even the Namaskar, where we put our two palms together to greet someone, is yoga. To bring the two palms together is a symbol of ‘union’ – connecting with your inner self. Bring your two palms together and notice how you feel.
So what does ‘connecting with your inner self’ actually mean?
Do you ever feel as though there is no synergy in your system, that you can’t seem to just be at peace at relax?
Do you suffer from anxiety or worry because your mind is afraid of the future, or is constantly reliving something that happened in the past?
Do you have to keep busy to keep your mind of life?
Or perhaps you feel as though you cant seem to stop the constant chatter in your mind. You don’t actually agree with what its saying, but you wonder how it can be your own mind talking. How can it be possible that you don’t agree with it!? Not only that, but it causes a whole load of dis-ease and anxiety within you.
Or perhaps you have started to question the purpose of life and you have got to that point where you wonder what’s next?
This is where yoga can help. Yoga is a set of tools which have been designed with one objective in mind, to free the human mind.
Once we are free from our minds we can think about attaining deeper levels of wellbeing and ultimately to live more peaceful and joyful lives. This is what is known as ‘union’ – where you connect to a deeper level within yourself. That place which is free of noise, mind chatter, anxiety, worry, regret, fear.
Have you ever wondered what remains once all those things disappear? For many of us, its quite scary to conceive because it falls under the category of unknown. I want to dispel that fear, because I know from experience that it is the sweetest tasting thing you can experience. Theres nothing to be scared of, all it is bliss.
Wouldn’t it be beautiful to reach that place?
Well, firstly let me make a distinction at this point. Traditionally also we have many forms of yoga. We have different forms of yoga which pertain to different paths to attaining inner peace and wellbeing. The yoga we are looking at today is probably the type of yoga you are more familiar with and will have heard of on a regular basis – Hatha Yoga. This is the form of yoga which uses the physical body.
Yoga is a method, a technology by which you can change the shape of who you are. Literally and otherwise. It changes the fundamentals of your existence and who you want to be. It puts you in the driving seat of your life.
There are so many aspects to achieving this – what we think, how we move, our breath, our energy body. By consciously working on these aspects of our nature we can determine who we are rather than existing merely as a manifestation of our past experiences, our family traits and ancestral DNA. Your cellular chemistry, brain activity and genetic make-up can all be changed by practicing yoga.
Yoga does this by helping us to breathe correctly, bring balance in to the system and making us more conscious and aware.
By practicing yoga and its principles you will notice a distance between you and your mind and you will start to realise there this is a difference between the two. Once this happens, you are no longer a slave to its murmurings. After a while you will forget that it is even there.
90% of human suffering is self inflicted – its about perception and how we view life. We have a choice how we want to see things. We create our own drama in our minds about life based on our life experiences, our past memories and fears of the future.
Based on all these imprints and just because of the way the mind is, the mind has a life of its own. It is like the heart, lungs, liver – they just do what’s needed, yet we don’t sit there watching them. Why do we sit there identifying with the mind? We identify with it, think it’s us. But it’s not. It’s not us because we can sit and watch it. As you become more conscious and aware, you will start to separate form you and your mind and will be able to see it from a distance. Once you stop identifying with it, you no longer react to it. It is reaction to our emotions that problems are caused. One you create this distance, the mind will no longer become an issue. It is only an issue because you spend time identifying with it.
Its like sitting in traffic. When you’re in it, it’s a problem. If you look at the traffic from above and the sun is shining, the traffic is not so bad.
The worst thing for the mind is when you identify with things that you are not, things which are not true. These are our perceptions about life. It is like feeding the mind bad food, the result is mental diarrhoea.
The best thing for your mind is to not identify with anything and just let it be free.
This is where yoga can help. Yoga is a set of tools which have been designed with one objective in mind…to free the human mind. Once we are free from our minds we can think about attaining deeper levels of wellbeing and ultimately to live more peaceful and joyful lives. This is what is known as union.
Yoga means ‘union’ – where you connect to a deeper level within yourself. That place which is free of noise, mind chatter, anxiety, worry, regret, fear. Have you ever wondered what remains once all those things disappear? For many of us, it is quite scary to conceive because it falls under the category of unknown. At Yoga Logic, we want to dispel that fear, because it is actually one of the sweetest things you will ever taste. This is what we want you to experience through practicing yoga.
Another aspect of Hatha Yoga, when one wants to move into deeper dimensions of meditation, is that it allows for a higher possibility of energy. If you want your energies to surge upwards, it is very important that the pipeline of the body is conducive. If it is blocked, it will not work, or else, something will burst. Preparing the body sufficiently before one goes into more intense forms of meditation is very important. Hatha yoga ensures that the body takes it gently and joyfully.
By focusing on the breath and keeping the body in a certain way, the energy body will be activated and balanced. Once this happens you will notice your level of unease and ailments within the system will go down if not completely disappear.
Naturally when you practice yoga, your physical health will improve and the body becomes more supple and lighter. This means that by practicing yoga, your physical body will no longer be a barrier to your growth and success. If we are physically unwell, it becomes very difficult to focus on other areas of life as our attention is constantly being brought back our discomfort or pain. By practicing yoga you not only alleviate many physical ailments and strengthen the system, you also create a certain distance between you and your body, just like you do with the mind.
Nurturing ‘the other’, that which is neither the body nor the mind, is the basic premise of yoga.