Surya Kriya Workshop

(Inner Energy)

Surya Kriya Workshop, Athens: Oct. 3 & 4, 2020


Please join us for our first Isha Surya Kriya workshop in Athens, Greece on Oct. 3 & 4, 2020.

Surya Kriya is a series of 21 postures and is known as the original sun salutations, preceding the more widely known Surya Namaskar, which is derived from Surya Kriya.

Surya Kriya is a 7.5-hour workshop offered in 3 sessions, as follows:

Timings: Saturday, October 3rd: 8.30 – 11 am & 4.30 – 7 pm + Sunday,    October 4th: 8.30 – 11 am
Location: Art Act Area – Athinas 12, Athina 105 54, Athens, Greece.  Closest Metro: Monastiraki
Venue Info:

***Booking & payment required to secure your spot***

All 3 sessions are mandatory in order to learn the entire sequence and to equip you to practice safely on your own.

The entire workshop will be taught in English

This workshop is suitable for anyone in good health that is aged 14 and above. No prior experience of yoga is necessary – the practices are suitable for all levels.

Please note: I also teach private, one on one workshops in your home. The price for private sessions is €50 per hour plus travel time.


Surya Kriya is a potent yogic practice of tremendous antiquity – designed as a holistic process for health, wellness and complete inner wellbeing. “Surya” means sun, and “Kriya” means inner energy process. Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus within the system and balances a person’s energies, leading to stability of the body and stillness of the mind. This solid foundation becomes the basis to explore higher dimensions of life.

Surya Kriya Benefits: 

– Develops mental clarity and focus
– Reduces anxiety, depression and stress
– Remedies weak constitutions
– Boosts vigour and vitality
– Balances hormonal levels in the body
– Aligns the body, mind, emotions and energy systems
– Prepares one for deeper states of meditation

Not suitable for pregnant women or those with serious back problems.
People who have had surgery within the last 6 months, have back, neck, leg or hip problems or have had an artificial joint replacement, please consult a doctor before registering.

  • Traditionally available only to select groups of yogis, Surya Kriya is being offered by Sadhguru as a comprehensive spiritual practice that is ideal for the hectic pace of today’s world.

  • Participants will gain an in-depth knowledge and feel empowered to practice safely on their own.

  • Read more about Surya Kriya in “Align Magazine, Issue 2