Surya Shakti Full Workshop

Solar Energy Practice

Surya Shakti Full Workshop: April 27 & 28, 2024


Surya Shakti is an active form of the Sun Salutation. It is related to Surya Kriya, however it is more physical in nature.

“Surya” means “Sun,” and “Shakti” means “energy”. Surya Shakti includes a powerful sequence of 18 postures, which are designed as a holistic process to cultivate great physical fitness and strength.

Workshop Details: (4.5 hours in total) 

Sessions 1 & 2: Saturday, April 27 = 9.00 – 10.30 AM  + 4.00 – 5.30 PM
Session 3: Sunday, April 28 = 9.00 – 10.30 AM
Location: 3563 Lakeshore Blvd West, Etobicoke, ON


  • Surya Shakti is suitable for anyone aged 8 and above.

  • Not suitable for women who are pregnant ot trying to conceive.

  • Not suitable for anyone who has had a major open surgery within the last 6 months or anyone who has had a laparoscopic surgery or any severe muscular injury within the last 6 weeks.

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Surya Shakti Benefits:

  • Boosts vigour and vitality

  • Improves immunity

  • Strengthens the muscles

  • Tones the digestive system

  • Corrects hormonal imbalances

  • Lubricates the joints

  • Develops mental clarity and focus

  • Remedies weak constitutions