
The Ultimate Yogic Workout

YogiFit Angamardana Challenge 2023


Experience the ultimate yogic workout with Angamardana! This powerful practice is taught to the police, paramilitary and border security forces in India due to its all-round fitness and health benefits. 

Angamardana is the most physical of the Isha Hatha Yoga practices and is best suited for those who are in a relatively good level of fitness. Though it is more of an intermediate program, it can be done as a beginner’s program for those who are already generally physically fit.


  • Angamardana is suitable for anyone in good health that is aged 14 and above. No prior experience of yoga is necessary.

  • Not suitable for pregnant women or those trying to conceive.

  • Not suitable for those with serious back problems.

  • People who have had surgery within the last 6 months, have back, neck, leg or hip problems or have had an artificial joint replacement, please consult a doctor before registering.

Please note: The price of €200 is for group workshops (minimum of 4 people). A private one-to-one workshop in your home is €300.


Angamardana, a fitness system rooted in yoga, offers everyone the opportunity to invigorate the body and reach peak physical and mental health. “Angamardana” means gaining complete mastery over the limbs, organs, and other parts of the body. True to its name, this practice revitalizes the body on all levels including the muscular system, skeletal system, circulatory system, nervous system, and the basic energy system.

Angamardana needs no fitness equipment. It uses only the body and can be practiced anywhere, even during travel.

Angamardana Benefits:

  • Strengthens the spine and the musculoskeletal and nervous systems

  • Revitalizes the organs and improves blood circulation

  • Builds physical strength, fitness, and tenacity, and helps in weight loss

  • Takes years off the body, bringing a sense of lightness and freedom

Angamardana Resources