Sadhana Session in Athens: February 12, 2022


Deepen your practices with this half-day Sadhana Session in Athens.

Perfect for those who have learned the practices below and want to refine their postures. It’s also ideal for those preparing to attend the Isha Samyama programme in 2022. 

Practices include:

  • Bhuta Shuddhi
  • Angamardana
  • Surya Kriya
  • Yogasanas (Beginners)

If you have not learned all the practices above, you can still join us to review the ones you have completed.

Please Contact me for details.

Pricing for partial attendance:

One practice & meditation = 25
Two practices & meditation = 40

Date: Saturday, February 12th
Times: If attending the entire session: 8 – 11.30 



Deepen your practices on this half-day Sadhana Retreat in Leicester.

Perfect for those wanting to refine their practices, and for those preparing to attend the Isha Samyama programme in 2019. 

Schedule for the day (Guided Practice, Corrections & Review):

8 am – Bhuta Shuddhi
8.30 am – Angamardana
9.45 am – Surya Kriya
10.45 am – Yogasanas
12 pm – Meditation 
12.30 pm – Questions & Close

To those who have not learned all the practices, please email us separately at for details.